Monday 20 July 2015

Writing For Fun 9

“I am going to frame it and place it on my desk at home everyday.” He muttered to himself as he looked at the picture longingly. That was a picture of a girl, about the same age as him, which he had found on the streets, or should I say, found him on the streets. He was walking against the wind when a piece of paper suddenly flew straight into his face. As he lifted it up and examined it, he saw the beauty in the picture, as it was then, that he fell in love with the girl on the picture. Love at first sight, indeed, as he has absolutely no knowledge of her, neither has he seen her in real life, and there was no reason for him to just fall in love like that…But he did.

A few years later, he was in Junior College when he made a daring promise—He was going to find that girl, no matter what it takes. By then, he was a handsome boy, with blonde hair and swaggy looks, and many girls have already proposed to him, but he rejected them all. He only had that one girl in his mind. And so, with that promise, he set off to find his childhood love.

5 years later, he hasn’t even gotten a trace of her location, despite him posting her picture on every social media and on every notice board, but after all, it’s hard to judge how a person looks now by their looks 10 years ago. “Sigh. Maybe this was all just a mistake. A big lie.” Feeling dejected and depressed, he sat by the window of his apartment and wondered.

What is the meaning of all this?

However, little did he know, that hard work pays off, and rewards will start coming, knocking on your door.

A few more years later, he married a girl, which he thought, was the best at that time, decent looks, decent wealth and decent academics. One day, the girl saw the picture which he beautifully and carefully framed, and asked him, where did he find that picture.

“It found me. It was blown onto my face and I fell in love with the girl on the picture. First love, I guess.”

Astonished, the girl gave him a big hug.

“I lost that picture when I was 7.”

~~Hard work pays, doesn’t it? But sometimes you just need a little bit of luck.~~

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